We aim to improve lives by helping state governments deliver better development outcomes.

CEGIS believes that strengthening the capacity of state governments is the most cost-effective way of improving development outcomes at scale.

What is effective governance? Why does it matter?

Effective governance is when a government is able to deliver on its responsibilities and promises to all its citizens.

While many of India’s post-independence achievements are commendable, the Indian state has opportunities to enhance its performance in several of its core functions, particularly in delivering basic services, such as education, health and nutrition. These are not only essential components of citizen well-being, but are also key contributors to productivity and economic growth for achieving full potential as a nation. 

India’s weaknesses in basic service delivery reflect inadequate investments in the capacity of the Indian state. However, investing in state capacity does not imply merely increasing public spending on social protection programs. The translation of public spending into desired outcomes also needs to become more efficient. Therefore, CEGIS believes that the Indian state needs to strengthen governance to improve its effectiveness in a way that reflects data and evidence, and pays much more attention to efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Such a strengthening will require not just do ‘more of the same’, but to invest strategically in key structures of the Indian state. 

Why state governments?

Across health, education, nutrition and most other sectors, Indian state governments have the mandate to deliver public services and create the conditions for economic growth. Given this scope and scale, improving Indian state government functioning has the potential to help millions, making it one of the most powerful ways to increase prosperity in India and globally.  State governments are ideally placed to lead India on policy reforms: a tried and tested reform in one state is more likely to be replicated by other states. Supporting state-led governance and strengthening state capacity can be transformative for the country.


At CEGIS, we believe that governments should function as high-performing organisations with the following four features: the ability to measure developmental outcomes precisely, to manage personnel effectively, to employ strategic public finance in order to maximise return on investment and welfare, and finally to be able to manage market interfaces for optimal public service delivery.  



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Dedicated state unit

CEGIS collaborates with state governments to establish a dedicated state unit integrated and co-located with the state’s Finance, Planning and HR departments. This enables deep partnerships to achieve the vision for transformational change. Staff seconded from government departments also work closely with our teams for better impact on the ground and long term capacity building. 

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Buy-in from all levels in the state governments

CEGIS works closely with the political and bureaucratic leadership in the states. The team also works closely to ensure alignment with multiple levels of government to obtain better feedback and refinement of solutions, better implementation and sustainability of transformative improvements.

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‘Think – demonstrate – document – transfer’ model

CEGIS combines its theory of change with practical realities and the unique constructs of various states across India to refine its solutions. This is a unique model of thinking and refining through piloting and at scale implementation that leads to more robust knowledge products such as step-wise guides, customisable solutions, advisories and playbooks as goods for the benefit of the entire ecosystem. Working at the state level and in close collaboration with the states enhances the ability to further the ‘think – demonstrate – document – transfer’ model.