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The Engagement score is one of many scoring systems on the iGoT platform and attempts to capture a user’s engagement with the platform and the subsequent (if any) learning. Engagement scores help track the effectiveness of interaction between the users and the content that is provided on the platform by using a combination of usage indicators and assessments at the end of the Competency Building Products (CBPs).

The Skilling Today 2021 report reveals that about 75% of Indian companies enhance workforce skills to meet evolving business needs, accelerated by disruptive technologies like AI and robotics. Notably, companies focus on core and foundational skills, offering personalised training through online platforms, MOOC partnerships, and specialised programs. The report highlights L&D trends in major corporations like Axis Bank and TCS, aiming to foster collaboration for capacity-building initiatives.


Joint Learning on iGOT (JLI) will provide an opportunity for government officials to work with like-minded peers and build new skills with the aim of solving specific problems. It will be operationalised through the creation of Joint Learning Communities (JLCs).This document explores the need for joint learning and problem solving among government officials. It also lays out the processes required to operationalise the initiative and a plan for the creation of a pilot joint learning community.

This document provides an overview of the guiding principles of Mission Karmayogi, a common vocabulary and an overview of the FRACing process. The Framework of Roles, Activities and Competencies (FRAC), as termed within Mission Karmayogi’s Integrated Government Online Training platform, is the mapping of three constructs (roles, activities, and competencies, supported by knowledge resources) for each individual position within all government ministries, departments and organisations (MDOs) at the national, state and local level.