The Centre for Effective Governance of Indian States (CEGIS Foundation) is dedicated to enabling transformative improvement in the functioning of the Indian state.


Our work is informed by research, evidence and a practical orientation towards implementable ideas. We partner with state governments to improve the tools they need to design effective governance reforms, while also offering strategic implementation support. Our focus is on strengthening governance by improving four core functions of the government - outcome measurement, personnel management, strategic financial management and leveraging markets for improved public service delivery.


High-performing organisations exhibit four key traits: measuring outcomes for goal setting and monitoring progress, strategic use of personnel including hiring, training and managing performance–to achieve the goals above, strategic financial management that enables resource allocation based on evidence and cost-effectiveness and creating efficient systems to leverage external actors.


CEGIS is dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness of state governments by actively working to incorporate the aforementioned features into the operations of state administrations and consolidate learnings to create knowledge products. 



CEGIS Signs MoU with Government of Assam

CEGIS signed an MoU with the Office of the Director of Training, Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati under the Administrative Reforms, Training, Pension, and Public Grievances Department, Government of Assam. In this collaboration, CEGIS will provide support and services to facilitate int...

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CEGIS@5: A precious journey of trust 

CEGIS celebrated its 5th anniversary with a special event in New Delhi on 29 August, 2024. In the presence of our government partners, donors and supporters, we reflected on our journey so far - one of growth, learning and overcoming challenges. What has made this journey truly special is the beli...

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1st Edition of the Data-Driven Governance Conference

CEGIS convened the first edition of the Data-Driven Governance Conference on May 14, 2024, in New Delhi. The event saw participation from secretaries of relevant departments from the states we work in, as well as leaders from our donor and partner organisations. The agenda featured six panels and ...

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KPI Survey

The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) survey is a key initiative of the Planning Department of a state. It aims to collect robust end-user (citizen) data to generate state-level, district-level and select mandal (block)-level estimates of key outcome indicators annually. This initiative addresses is...

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Enabling World-Class Corporate Governance in the Office of CGPDTM

The basic issues regarding governance are similar across tiers of government Ministries, Departments and Organisations (MDOs). CEGIS entered into a tripartite agreement with the Capacity Building Commission (CBC) and Comptroller General of Patent, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) to establish an i...

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CEGIS Sings MoU with CBC 

CEGIS and the Capacity Building Commission (CBC) have signed an MoU to collaborate on various capacity building initiatives across MDOs of the Government of India (GoI). As partners committed to building the capacity of public personnel in India, this collaboration promises to optimise competency-...

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Financial Data Analytics Unit (FDAU) Formally Established

A formal government order has been issued for setting up of a Financial Data Analytics Unit (FDAU) within the Finance Department of a state. With CEGIS’ embedded presence in this unit along with the government, it is an exciting next step towards institutionalising some of our impactful work in pu...

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