In high-performing organisations, frontline staff and managers are held accountable for achieving desired outcomes but are also granted autonomy in determining how they carry out their responsibilities. The opposite is often true in government settings, which leads to rule-based administration rather than role-based administration, affecting service delivery according to  the stated objectives. 

Our Personnel Management team addresses this gap by employing a competency-driven approach to managing human resources in government. The team works with central, state and local governments to actualise their human capital by improving human resource management practices and organisational effectiveness. We believe that supporting governments in undertaking these reforms will result in improved execution capacity and a fulfilling career journey for government officials. Our work in this area is divided into three key streams: 

  • Competency-based recruitment
  • Competency-based capacity building (learning and development)
  • Performance measurement and management

Together, these initiatives will bring more clarity to the work done by government officials, enhance workplace effectiveness and enable the officials to demonstrate accountability for outcomes, leading to empowered, equipped and future ready government officials that is a key to achieving citizen-centric service delivery.